Sunday, September 30, 2012


           Yesterday was FREAKING AMAZING!!!! At first I was like, what the heck am I doing here? But at the end, I got to fellowship with some amazing men of God. Yes, God- the Father of Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible God lol! I feel like making a vlog about this and putting it on YouTube- but at the same time, I need to watch my approach (if you understand what Im saying)....
      Not only that, but I recieved my ACT scores yesterday!! I got a 19! LOL thats only one poing above the average, BUT WHO CARES! I'm still deciding on  whether I should take the ACT again or not- I think I will for scholarship, BUT THEN AGAIN- that test was hard as frick! Naw I need to take it, c' mon Bill take the dang test again. NO. YES. NO. YES. NO. YES (this goes on all day)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Oh Mondays SUCK

Ahhhh how it sucks to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to be dropped off at the same fast food restraunt for the past week!? Goodness I hate having to go to school so dang early, at least let me wake up at 6:30! Is that too much to ask! Ah Im just kidding.... maybe not lol but WHO CARES!

I got my buddy to pick me up from McDonalds to get to school today, so that was a good part, and I have to think that I DO have it better than some of the people out there, right? But today was a pretty good day, but I swear the guys in my class mess around TOO much sometimes- I mean cant you give a big black guy a break? xD Im just playing, but yeah they need to chill sometime. I dont get bullied necessarily because they are just "messing" with me, but still I'd appreciate more respect in life. But HAY! That gives me motivation to be nice and treat other people with respect somehow. "How", you may ask. To be honest with ya, I don't even know, but I want to see people happy, not sad like I can be :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012


GOTDANG I finally made a Blogger account! Hmmmmm it seems nobody really knows I have an account so I'll treat this as a journal or diary or something, I dont even know lol. And I'm not here for English so I dont care about the grammar right now, okay? But anyway, yeah, if you found this page than God bless you HAHA you found something really rare xD

Alrightyyyy so whats up? Im tallboywitshortpants from YouTube- I draw all kinds of stuff haha. I draw anime and manga like naruto, dragon ball z, sonic, Marvel, and other stuff I like! I try to teach people how I do it so they can be better than me, and I mean that, mane!

Anyway, Im a Senior in High School but Ive had the tallboywitshortpants account on YouTube since like 8th grade, but didnt start actively using it till 9th or 10th grade I cant really remember :/, but its all gooooood.

Ill post more stuff soon, but for now, I gots to go EAT, its a sunny yet cloudy day and Im cravin' for some sherbert :D